4th Grade Teacher on a Field Trip Funny

Of all the grades I taught, fourth grade will forever be my favorite. And I took those kids on some cool field trips. We milked cows at the pioneer museum, went to the Mount St. Helens Visitor Center, and toured our historic downtown. The independence of nine- and ten-year-olds, coupled with grade-level focus on their state, makes for lots of fantastic options for fourth grade field trips.

Not all of these trips will be possible everywhere, but keep in mind any local treasures that are unique to your area. And when you can't manage a trip—for whatever reason—try our virtual fourth grade field trips below.

In-Person Fourth Grade Field Trips

1. A Radio Station

The local radio station is a great place for an educational tour. Fourth graders can learn about everything from radio frequencies to what a DJ does to how radio production equipment works. If they're lucky, they'll get to record a spot.

2. The State History Museum

Fourth grade social studies is all about the state, so if your state history museum is local to you, be sure to check it out with your class. Look for kid-friendly interactive exhibits and special educational programs, like the Washington State History Museum's History Lab.

3. The Animal Shelter

By middle childhood, most children have made significant social-emotional growth and are capable of true empathy. A visit to the local animal shelter is a wonderful opportunity for some humane education, from the basics of animal care to pet overpopulation.

4. A State Historic Site

Shore up the study of your state with a visit to a local site that's important to its history. It could be a Native American heritage site, a statue or birthplace of a historical figure, an old fort or mission, or the site of a significant event (like a Civil War battle).

5. A Concert Hall

At a concert hall, fourth graders can take in any number of cultural experiences, from a concert by a symphony orchestra to a jazz show to a classical ballet performance. In fact, fourth grade is the perfect time to cultivate an appreciation for the arts.

6. A State Park

There's perhaps no better way to highlight what's amazing about your state than a visit to a state park. Many offer school group programs, including ecology, orienteering, and STEM; however, our pick has to be Beachcombing 101.

7. A Military Base

Most military installations are open to public visits. Many even have regularly-scheduled tours as well as their own on-site military museums. There's a lot of variety depending on the branch, but our favorite is a cavalry detachment's horse show.

8. The State Capitol

If it's a reasonable possibility, take your fourth graders to visit the capitol building. They're an impressive sight, but they also provide students with a window into state government and history. Also, consider adding on a tour of the governor's mansion!

9. A Geographical Feature

Whatever your location, you likely have a landform (for example: mountain, canyon, cave, butte) or body of water (ocean, river, pond, wetland) that you can visit to show your fourth graders the rock or water cycle in action.

10. A Nature Center

A nature center is a perfect place for kids to learn about plants and wildlife that are native to their state. Activities vary by location but might include a nature hike or live animal presentation.

Virtual Fourth Grade Field Trips

1. Slime in Space


Nickelodeon teamed up with two astronauts on the International Space Station to demonstrate how slime reacts to microgravity and had kids reproduce those same demonstrations back here on Earth. It makes for an amazing 15-minute virtual field trip!

2. A Planetarium

Through Stellarium Web, kids can explore over 60,000 stars, locate planets, and watch sunrises and solar eclipses. If you enter your location, you can see all the constellations that are visible in the night sky in your corner of the world.

3. Volcanoes

The U.S. Geological Survey monitors volcanoes in the United States. Their interactive map allows you to learn about any volcano in the country.

4. Nature Lab

The Nature Conservancy offers 11 virtual field trips. For example, students can explore a coastal rainforest while in a canoe or unlock the secrets of coral reefs in the Dominican Republic. Each video is about 45 minutes long.

5. Yellowstone National Park

The first established National Park and popular vacation destination is now accessible to virtual travelers. The interactive maps are a great way to see the Mammoth Hot Springs and Mud Volcano, but we think kids will be psyched about the Old Faithful Geyser live-stream.

6. The Great Lakes


This virtual field trip from Great Lakes Now has three components: coastal wetlands, algae, and lake sturgeon. Each video is a quick five minutes.

7. Son Doong Cave

National Geographic lets you explore the world's largest cave, located in Vietnam. Use the interactive map to enjoy the fully immersive experience (sound on!).

What are your favorite fourth grade field trips? Come and share in our WeAreTeachers HELPLINE group on Facebook.

Plus, 7 Mistakes to Avoid When Planning a Field Trip.

Field Trips for Fourth Graders (Virtual and In Person)


Source: https://www.weareteachers.com/fourth-grade-field-trips/

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